Tayler and her tongue kissing!

Finally Friends! Tayler would constantly hit parker the first couple weeks, but now she is so good to him and wants to give him loves, kisses and cuddle with him all the time.

I found her like this in my bathroom, and she had pooped her pants. I was not a happy camper.

My little Man! Growing up way to fast for my liking!

Parkers Blessing Day

Both sets of Parents for Parkers blessing

The proud Parents!
Love the pictures!! I am so glad Tayler is doing better with Parker. We sure love you guys!! If you ever want to come and visit our new guest bedroom just let us know:) Have a good day!!
Carrie you should be so proud, those kids are adorable. Taylor is giving you a run for her money! :) Too bad she's so cute!
Take care cous!
What handsome little boy!!!! And Tayler has her big girl panties on! WAY TO GO!!! Did you read my blog about Brackon pooping in the dump truck?!! Yeah! I think Taylers is worse, sorry! The things we have to put up with!
It was so nice to see your family this past weekend. A random lady in the fabric store stopped me today and said when I have my baby I should get Noah his own little doll to feed, hold, and love, thus helping with the whole sibling jealousy thing. Interesting idea, maybe Tayler needs her own little "Parker!" Cute pics of the two of them, they'll be tight friends soon enough! Love you all!
The pictures are so cute!! I wish i could've been there for the blessing... i cant wait to meet the lil park-man!
I miss you guys!
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