So Much Change...
After much fasting and prayers, we are off to Bancroft ID for our next adventure. Loren has felt really strongly about wanting to be able to take over his Dads farm ever since before we got married, however because of a few things, it just hasn't worked out. Things just seemed to have fallen into place though since a few weeks ago Loren decided he'd had enough of the sales world. We won't be moving for another 6 months as we have to work for Lilly for a full year or we'll have to pay back some hefty fines. I hate the prospect of leaving this place... I just love it here. I'm sure we'll adjust well to wherever we live, but I'll always have a place in my heart for little Santaquin and the wonderful people here.
I went to the Doctor for my 36 week appt. and am already 1 cm. dialated and 50% effaced! That took almost eight hours of contractions at the hospital on pitocen to get me that far! I'm hoping it won't be such a long ordeal this go around! We know for sure that we'll have the babe at least by August 5th. Loren leaves that next week for a training in AZ so the doctors say if he hasn't shown up by then they'll induce me on the 5th.
I was lying with Tayler a few nights ago thinking about how much less time I'm going to have with her once little Parker comes. It made me sad to think about it. For the past two years she's had me all to herself and I have loved every minute spent with her. What a happy little soul she is, so pleasant and fun to be around. I hope jealousy will wear off shortly as I know she'll have a difficult time adjusting to someone taking mommies time. I'm sure she will and will love being an older sister (and another "mother"). Our nursery leaders say Tayler is very motherly to other kids... when they cry she'll walk up to them and say "don't cry... it's ok." while patting their heads! Such a funny little gal!
I haven't posted pictures for a while so here are a few as of late... hope you enjoy!
So many exciting changes coming your way! Exciting, scary, fun, and hard all wrapped into one. Hooray for early dilation, should make the journey a bit shorter and easier for you, can't believe next time I see you Parker will probably be here! I went through the same feelings with L&C, after five years of them only, it was an adjustment, but I think in the end you value your time more with each child individually. Oh, long comment, we loved seeing your family over the 4th!
you are leaving and we haven't even hang out yet. what horrible friends we are!! good luck with everything! loved the pictures! she is getting so big and is soo cute!
YAY! We are excited to see everyone tomorrow! Cute pictures! See you soon! love ya!
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