Time has flown this past month. Didn't seem like it would ever end there for a while and yet, here I sit at my parents house waiting to close on our new home in three days. It's an adorable home, one that was taken immaculate care of and we really just fell in love with it. It has a big back yard (room for a garden, yay!!) and it is fenced in so I can let Tayler play outside. I'll post pictures and more about it when we are settled.
Here are few updates from the past month or so:
December 16th- Loren and I both graduated from college! What a wonderful and sad time it was. Despite the difficulty of my last class (physiology), I do love to learn and will miss the challenge of organized schooling provides. I got my degree in Speech and Language Pathology, and Loren in Business Administration.
December 17th- Embarked on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera. Although I am grateful for the time I could spend with Loren, I had a difficult time enjoying this cruise. I was quite ill from the constant rocking of the ship and such. I did enjoy our excursions on land though! We went snorkeling in Cabo, Rented 4-wheelers in Mazatlan and rode all over the city and beaches, and in Puerto Vallarta, rode zip lines over the jungles. We were VERY ready to get back and see our little Taters!
Christmas was wonderful, we got to spend a little time at both homes and were royally spoiled by both parents and each other. It was nice to just relax and unwind from a crazy month.
New Years Eve was spent at my parents house as my little sister Terry Anne surprised everyone and came home from China a few days early. It was fun to see her again!
We went back to Logan for about a week and got our home ready for the movers, spent a weekend with Jeff and Kayci and Mom and Dad, (going snowmobiling, seeing Jeffs new place and also attended the Rexburg Temple open house with Tanya and the kids.) It was fun and then two days later our condo was boxed up by the Mayflower moving company and moved into a semi to await our next home. We lived in a hotel for two nights, Tayler was deathly ill during this time, she had the flu, two ear infections, vomiting, diarrhea, and a high fever for three days. We didn't get much sleep, but I was SO darn grateful for modern medicine. She is much better now and back to terrorizing my parents home.
Loren started his job yesterday and already feels a little overwhelmed. He went to Salt Lake to sign papers with his boss, listened in on two conference calls and then drove home and studied for the rest of the evening. He will take the first of a several tests on thursday... It is over a load of material and I know he feels pressured to really learn it fast and in depth. He seems to be positive about it, but I will be grateful when he is through with this part of his training.
Well, this may be the last for a while. Hope all of you are well and we'll post pictures as soon as possible. Love you all!
YAY Carrie! We are so excited for you guys! It was fun to see you and we look forward to seeing you in your new house soon! LOVE YA!!
Wow, I'd say you weren't too lazy this past month were you? Hope things slow down a teeny bit as you settle into your new home, neighborhood and ward, so fun and exciting. Carrie- I was thinking you were allergic to dogs-maybe it's just cats? I had to have two trial runs with dogs before Boozer. They do just look adorable in the pet stores though! Hope little Tayler's feeling better. Love you all
YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! I was so excited to see you post and know that you are moving closer! Please let us know if we can do anything-- at least bring cookies while the movers move all your stuff! haha! So excited for Loren and his new job. One of Dusty's friends just got a job working for the same comapany, but in Cali., so we are glad you are here! Call me sometime!
Wow Carrie! What a month!! Good luck with everything...and I'm excited to see pictures of your new home!!
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