JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! I feel tonight like my head is going to explode from physiological terms! Loren and I are on the verge of exploding just waiting to graduate in EIGHT days! Then it's off to Mexico for a much needed vacation. Loren's boss from this summer is taking us on a 7 night cruise to Cabo, Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta. (I love getting the benefits of Lorens hard work:) However, I'm already having issues thinking about leaving my little darling girl behind, but I guess she's in the best possible hands (Two wonderful and crazy for taking this on, Grandmas.) Here is a photo of Tayler taking in the first snow of the year. She loved it! It was hysterical the other night. I was shoveling our walk after we had received about 6 inches of snow last weekend and had tayler out there in her boots, hat, coat and gloves. I turned around for a minute and Tayler had fallen over in the snow, couldn't get up, and was trying to crawl through a foot of more of snow that I had just shoveled to the side, I couldn't even see her face!! She was just plowing through it with her face in the cold snow! I ran and pulled her up and her whole body was just covered in snow and she was just wiggling wanting me to put her down to play in it again, the whole time she was saying "Brrr..." over and over again with a big old smile on her face. It was so funny!
Last night, I realized just how out of shape I really am. We are in the tournament for my city league basketball team right now and only five girls showed up last night, translation? No subs. I was hurting. On a better note, my Mom surprised me and showed up to the game after telling me she wouldn't be able to come and on top of that we still won so it's off to the championship game with a team we have split wins with. Hope we have more girls next week!
I guess it just hasn't really hit me how much our lives will be changing in the next month. Doesn't even feel like we're moving. We have had several potential buyers come and see our home, one that will be giving us an offer this week. I hope that it all works out according to plan. It just blows my mind that Christmas is around the corner. This year has flown by much too quickly, as I'm sure it will every year that we see our children growing up in front of our eyes. I wish that I would appreciate the time I'm in right now instead of constantly reaching for something in the future. For once I just want to be content and happy with what is currently on my plate!
I always love reading your posts, they are so inspiring!! :) I feel the same way. Tayler is SOO cute! I can't wait to see her again in person, and of course you too...Carrie that is! ha ha!! :) Yeah! Can't wait for you guys to be closer!
I am so glad you wrote again! Tayler is so dang cute carrie! I hope you have fun on your cruise. We will be missing you! :) Although we are going to cali for christmas, so I guess that's a cool trip:) Love you carrie!
This "crazy" grandma (which is true, incidentally :-), had a great time playing with Tayler for a few days. I gained renewed appreciation for the two of you for going to school, with all that goes with that, and raising a little one. She is VERY busy. Lots to learn and she's excited. I can tell she likes the outdoors.
Love you all,
Grandma Yost
Carrie I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I just love keeping tabs on you! :)
love ya cous!
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