Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm just sittin, waitin, wishin...

2 days and counting till my due date... Until last night, I've been content with being pregnant. It hardly feels like I'm 40 weeks along, and I have felt super good the majority of the time! The last two pregnancies I have been jumping out of my skin to have the baby by 37 weeks. However, after continuous Braxton Hicks last night, and my hopes being dashed when they stopped... I think we are ready for him/her to show up! Today I figured since I'd have to pack the kiddos bags once I go into Labor, I probably ought to get a bag ready for myself today... hopefully it will get used sooner than later!

Until last night, I didn't realize how scared I am to do this totally natural either. I always thought I was tough... that I could handle a lot of pain. Until I had kids. This go around, due to having to pay for the entire pregnancy, birth and hospital... I've decided to forgo the epidural and have told my midwife, "No matter how much I beg... do NOT give it to me!" She agreed and I may regret that. My last labor only lasted 8 hours and I got my epidural the last three... I can last three more hours right?

Tayler has been yelling at my belly least twice a day saying "COME OUT BABY! I WANT TO MEET YOU!" Maybe the baby is scared? She is also going to be very disappointed if we bring home another boy. If I tell her "It could be a boy!" She promptly replies... "Okay, bring home a girl too." Literally... "Oh boy."


K. Bitton said...

Carrie I sure do love you! I keep thinking "oh she'll let us know when it's time..." I hope everything goes well for you! We will pray for you:)

linzy said...

my only advice for when you think you can't handle the pain any longer... it will go away... just keep on keepin on... you can do it carrie! you are one of the toughest girls i know!!! no worries! you will be so grateful you didn't get it once it is over!

Hansen family said...

You might find strength you never knew you had, but is definitely there! The help and support of a good staff make ALL the difference. I'm so excited for you!

Shelley Patterson said...

Good luck. I have never been good with pain, but hey, they did,'t used to even HAVE epidurals back in the day and they handled it fine, right? I'm sure you'll do great.

Erica Bazil said...

Good luck. I'm sure you'll do great. I've always thought you were a tough girl. That's the pits to have to pay for all that - it's amazing how quickly something like that adds up huh? Can't wait to see what you're having!