So I may be jumping the gun here a bit, but whats the fun of posting about Halloween after it's over! I dressed Tayler up in her kitty costume and put her next to my newly carved pumpkin. She hated the thing, and after 30 seconds I couldn't get her to sit still, so here are the best pictures I could get! Happy Halloween Everyone!
What cute pictures!! Tayler is so dang funny! We are excited to see you on Sunday!
Noah totally understands, he'll probably be something really lame. I tried some kitty ears on him in Joanns and he wouldn't even keep those on. He does like to pretend he's a dog though, pants, crawls around, so maybe that's a possibility? Your kids are really going to appreciate your pumpkin-carving skills, I didn't get any, and it's a disappointment each year :) Tayler's costume is adorable, have a fun holiday!
AWE!! She is so dang cute!!! I love those pictures!!!
So cute! I need to post Bracky's costume! My battery is charging and then I will! :)
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