Our post office box is about 200 meters away from our apartment. There was a break in the clouds and we needed to go for a little walk as Tayler gets pretty restless in these cramped up conditions. We started walking and 100 yards in, the rain hit so hard and so fast there was no running back without getting completely soaked. Instead, we played in it. Tayler was loving it and we were both drenched after our mailbox escapade, I love seeing Tayler explore everything outside. I think that she thought she was in an endless shower and was trying to run to get out of it! I wish I had had my camera out in the rain.
Oh, I'd love some rain about now, it's sweltering here! What cute pictures, I think it's funny how babies have this fascination with water. I also noticed Tayler's shirt with all her cousins, that is such a fun idea, pretty cool to have so many her age. Boy, they learn fast where the good stuff in the kitchen is. Noah always is heading for the cupboard with the snacks in it :0 Have a great weekend, love you all!
How fun! I wish it would rain like that up here. Knowing Grace though, she would probably get sick from playing in the rain like that. I am glad that you have been updating your page more often too. I wish the sisters would get one too! Anyway, we are excited to see you guys soon! Love ya Carrie! Travel safe if I don't talk to you before you leave.
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