Hello All!
I guess it is about our turn to give an update! Well I guess the most exciting news of the day is that Tayler took three steps today! She has been balancing on her feet like a pro for about a week and today, tried to walk when we got home from the track meet! The way this kid is going, she's gonna be faster than her old woman by age five!:) Other than that, the little munchkin is saying mamama and dadada pretty regularly, sometimes we think that she can differentiate which one each of us is, but who really knows, she calls the neighbors dog mama too. Other past times of Taylers as of late is splashing in the toilet (now I know the real reason for leaving the toilet seat down), ripping up everything in the garbage, pulling out all of the rags in the bottom drawers, pulling on every electric cord possible, pulling the books out of the bookcase, mooching all the food she can off mom and dad, turning the pages in her books for mommy, rolling balls back and forth, climbing the stairs when mommy isn't looking, swinging at the local play ground, yanking on the toilet paper rolls and seeing how much she can in her mouth and on the floor before mom catches her, and just in general being the happy rambunctious little stinker she is. She has been laughing like crazy this past week and it makes every mess she makes worthwhile. We love this little girl SO much!
On to me, well... I am trying to run track. I had another meet today and some events went better than others. I am struggling in the high jump this year, but it seems like everything else is getting better. My hurdles weren't super fast as I ran a 14.86, but I PR'd in the 200 running a 26.22. I won the high jump by jumping 5'5" and was close on all my attempts at 5'7" but I guess you've got to have a few downer meets in each area to push ya. I've cleared 5'7" a couple of times this year, but have still yet to hit the regional mark, hopefully I can put one good meet together and get it again. Next weekend I will most likely be competing at ISU for any of you that would like to come, I don't know what I am doing yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do. School is going well, Loren and I are both dying to be done, however this has been by FAR the easiest semester of school I have ever had.
Loren is dying to get done with school, but in two and a half weeks when that is done, he'll be dying to be done with pest control. While he is excited to try a new area for work this summer, we are both really sad that we won't get to spend time with Jared and Angela like in years past. For some reason, it always made it a little more bearable having family near. Loren has set his goals high however, his ambitions to own his own company are flying high and he knows it's going to cost a lot. I guess at the beginning of the summer there are a lot more prayers said in our home than the last part, however the end of the summers prayers are sure full of gratitude. What a blessing pest control has been to the Bitton and Yost crews.
Hope all is well with everyone, we sure love and miss you all, especially you Terry Annie.
Loren and Carrie, So good to hear about your lives! I really like posting on our blog and reading other blogs. I didn't know Loren was thinking of starting a business, what kind of business? Carrie- we- the kids and I would like to come to ISU, let us know when and where, we'll see if it fits in our schedule. Love you all!
I always love seeing the pictures of Tayler! She is so cute! How did the track meet go? We hope all is well! You guys need to come and visit us before you leave. Love ya!
Thanks for the update! Happy to hear that things are going well. Good luck with finals!! Man, Tayler just keeps getting more adorable. She is such a cute baby!
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