It seems like the farther behind I get with my blog, the more I don't want to update because of EVERYTHING that I would have to write, so since I kind of had to update my life in my Christmas letter, I figured I would post it here for anyone interested in the highlights of 2010 for us if I didn't get one in the mail for you.
Greetings Friends and Family! Dec. 2010
What an incredible and crazy year it has been!! It seems time picks up speed with every year and we are watching our babies grow into toddlers and preschoolers much too quickly. We are trying to absorb every ounce of happiness that comes with being parents to these little souls and know that they are truly Gods greatest gift to us!
With that said, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that we are again expecting, baby #4 is on its way. The small fact that every Christmas letter in the past four years has either announced the arrival of a new baby, or a new one on the way, should ease the shock :). I am currently 19 weeks pregnant and am due around the middle of April. Although people look at us like we are COMPLETELY crazy sometimes, we are thrilled :). I love being a young mom, to be able to wrestle and snuggle them and have the energy to enjoy these little moments.
Tayler now four, is my budding reader. We have gone through REAMS of paper due to this little ladies avid desire to read and write. I throw away at least 15 pieces of paper covered in letters, names, and any word she can figure out how to write on a daily basis. I’m grateful for the local pre-school and the wonderful job they do over there, she loves her teachers (Grandma Yost being one of them!) She is also in dance again this year and loves any opportunity to twirl and show off her new moves. Tayler is a wonderful older sister to Parker and Callie, but boy is she like her Mother was, and DEFITNITELY knows how to get under her brothers skin!
Parker Christian is two and ALL boy!! Our front room is usually a parking garage for all of his trucks, cars and tractors. He loves them, and is VERY protective of them, Daddy is usually the only one that is allowed to get down and play with him. He is starting to say new words all the time, usually associated with some kind of wheels (dump truck being the newest). Parker loves his nursery leaders and loves to sit on their laps while they read to him. His other love… food. He doesn’t care where he finds it, the cupboards, garbage or even the floor. The little stinker knows all of my hiding spots for treats and on many occasions I have found him hiding behind a door with ding dong or cupcake remains on his face, usually accompanied by a great big smile.
Callie Anne, could there be a happier child? She is the sweetest and gentlest baby I’ve ever met in my life. She turned one the end of October and has refused to crawl (although she can), substituting it for scooting around on her bottom every where she wants to go. It is the funniest sight, but I love it! She says Mom, Dad, owe, and kitty right now. She really has brought such peace and happiness into our home. How we love that little lady!
I am just finishing a workout routine called p90x. Exercise is such a need for me, I’m such a happier wife and mother when I get it done consistently. Hopefully it will help keep any “extra” weight off too . My photography business has been such a fun hobby to have, keeping me just busy enough to fill up any extra time after kids go to bed. I have also continued to help local track teams during the season although I gave up the head position at MV when we had Callie. I love my life here in this little town, there truly isn’t a better place to raise a family.
Loren belongs here. It wouldn’t feel right to put him any place but on a tractor or combine. Every man should love his job the way he does. Although we don’t get to see him but a few minutes a day about 6 months of the year, his schedule is quite flexible the rest of the time and it is wonderful that he gets to work with his Dad. Loren occasionally gets to pick up a book, or plays on a city league basketball team, but farm work is a lifestyle, and everything you do pretty much revolves around it! We will be heading on a cruise to Acapulco, Mexico for a week around the first of December, I’m antsy for some real time to be with him again!
We hope that this update finds you well. I look forward every year to the spirit that accompanies the holiday season. May our homes ever be centered around Christ, the giver of all that is good on this earth. God bless you and your families in 2011!