Sunday, February 20, 2011

My little nutshell

A quick update on me and what makes me tick lately…

-I've become obsessed with politics lately and how I can help get Mitt Romney elected in 2012. No, not just because he's Mormon. Mostly because thinking of Obama in there for another 4 years makes me want to vomit.

- I'm in young womens and teach every other week. I actually REALLY like this class of beehives J.

- I'm almost 32 weeks prego now and have gained 18 lbs so far :/.

-I made myself give up facebook (had my spouse change my password).

-Just got back from watching NG girls basketball at State. Their team went 23-0 before losing in the second round of state and ended up third!

- Purchased a J-shaped pillow and it has been my favorite purchase in the past 5 years. HIGHLY recommended for all you expecting mothers!

- Traded in the van for an Expedition EL. We love it.

- Parker won't fall asleep by himself anymore :/ Someone has to lay there till he drops off. Any suggestions to fix this? He will continue to come upstairs till 10:30 pm if we don't do it.

- Lately I've decided that the decision to have more children in the future will depend on the growing laundry pile. I abhor that task.

- Doing another wedding in 2 weeks. I'm grateful for all the experience. Photography is such a FUN hobby. So grateful 2 years ago I asked my fellow bloggers what I should do with that track Money (Mostly thank you to Brittany Terry if you read my blog J.)







The Grows said...

Well my last name isn't Terry But since I am a Britteny I will Take a half a thanks. 32 weeks!!!! I can't wait to see pictures of this next one. Its a girl right?

K. Bitton said...

Carrie, you need to lock Parker in his room and let him cry it out. I know I have told you this many times in the past, so I think you should just do it already ;) Sorry he has become needy, right before you have the baby= perfect timing! I can't wait to see you this weekend, although on a sad occasion. Or is it happy since he is finally where he wants to be?