Monday, January 19, 2009

2008 year end review

And yet I still adore her...


Brits said...

Our kids would get along great!

The Grows said...

All I can say is Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he made kids extra cute (otherwise most kids probably wouldn't live past the age of three).

kate n. said...

Why does she always have the expression on her face like, "What? Did I do something wrong?"
She looks a lot like you, Carrie, could she be repeating your childhood as well?
Ahh, you'll miss these days!

Savannah said...

I love it!!! Way to capture the fun!

Bill & Jen said...

HAA!! I love this post! It's awesome...she is a doll, even with all the messes! You guys look great and your fam is adorable.
You must have found my blog of facebook??? I'm glad you did! And thanks for the babysitting comment..very helpful. I seriously had NO idea...ya I calculated it out and it's a measly $1.36 per hour!!! Can you believe that!! I bout looked like Tayler did in the first pic on the post... :)