Monday, November 17, 2008


I haven't posted an update for over a month because it has been all craziness in our niche of the woods. We are finally "in" our apartment even though we have been in McCammon for 3 weeks. My parents went to Egypt, so we stayed at my their house so I could cook and be around when Richard got home from school. It's nice to feel settled again though. Here is just a quick synopsis of what is going on in our lives...

-Tayler is ready to chew gum... how do I know you ask? I gave her a prune earlier today and an hour and a half later... it was STILL in her mouth.
- Parker has decided snacks are better than full meals. I don't mind during the day... but waking up every hour at night is getting old.
- I now know why Loren wanted to farm for so long. A brand new KLR 650 is sitting in his Dads shop waiting for him. He's as happy as a kid in a candy store.
- My little bro starred in his high school musical "12 dancing princesses" I went three times it was so funny... he did an incredible job if you can't tell from the clip I'm posting!
- Moving from a good size house, to a tiny apartment is not something I want to do again until I have no kids at home... we are all on top of eachother it feels like!
- We've decided on a house plan! Probably won't be finished at least for a year.
- We will be moving to Bancroft early this next year, a house came available to rent so we will do that until our house is finished. What a blessing, we didn't know what we would do if Loren had to drive back and forth while moving pipe!
-My little sis gets her mission call in the next 2 days or so!
-I am STOKED to go see the new twilight movie with my girls in Utah this weekend!
-Tayler took a crayon and colored "hair" on Parkers head today. Yes it actually showed up so she must have been pressing quite hard which would explain Parker screaming for help.
- I am axiously awaiting the BYU vs. Utah game (probably the only game I care about all year long, just because I was raised that this is the battle of Good vs. Evil:). I guess whoever wins will have a chance for a BCS bowl and the Mountain West title.
- I am quickly learning how much I depended having Wal-mart in my backyard. I took that for granted!
-I was called as the Primary pianist! I love it already!
-I have two more ADORABLE nieces to love! Ivy Robenia was born last Wednesday and Claire Ruth on Thursday!

That is the briefest way to give the update, here are some of the latest photos to go along with it!

I couldn't get the video to post, check out my bro on youtube by clicking this link! This is one of the more "serious" parts of the play.


K. Bitton said...

CUTE picture Carrie! Thanks again for your help!

Ammon & Ali said...

I'm going to Twilight too! So exciting. That little Taylor just cracks me up!! I love her stories, it makes my day!

linzy said...

Short, sweet, and to the point!! Tayler, Tayler, Tayler. That's all I can say! :) Parker is getting a belly! :) You must be feedin him "liquid gold"... that's what Dr. McKenna told me about Brackon. :) miss him...

Anonymous said...

Those two kids are some of the cutest I've ever seen!!!
Do I sound like a grandma?
Well, you better believe it!

Grandma Y